Click below to download the 2015 Early Childhood STEM Conference Presentation, "Applying The Scientific Method to Gardening." Held by Cal Tech. Written by Cynthia Wylie and Maggie Smith. It includes many cool ideas for experiments involving plants. ![]()
The Scientific Method is an organized way of asking and then answering questions about the world around us. Early learners are natural scientists: inherently curious, young children are trying to make sense of the world around them, the exact aim of science. Think of all the "why" questions you hear. Let your child practice asking their own questions about things. There are many ideas at the bottom of this page too. Even small children are capable of doing an "experiment" using the Scientific Method. Click below to download and print your copy. Have fun! ![]()
Rosey Posey and Big Red were kind enough to pose for this coloring sheet on the parts of a plant of tree. If you can, use a plant in your home or yard to show the parts in real life.
Big Red is a Coniferous Tree or Evergreen with needles. There are also Deciduous Trees with leaves. They fall off in the Fall and grow back in the Spring. Most plants, even vegetables, have the same parts that Rosey has: roots, stems and leaves. Click below to download and print this coloring sheet. ![]()
What is a vegetable? Vegetables are the fleshy parts of plants: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds and fruit that we eat.
Why are vegetables good for us anyway!?! Because they have inside them vitamins and nutrients that we need to live a good life. A fun activity to do with your child is hold up vegetables or fruits from the different part of a plant (see coloring sheet above) and see if they know the answers. Or print out this worksheet/coloring sheet for them to work on. ![]()